Fabulous Bicentennial
In 1825, Anthelme Brillat-Savarin published Physiology of Taste,
thus marking the consecration of Gastronomy.​
The novel Agapes de Bosange is a tribute to this unique book.

Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
Brillat-Savarin, in all truth, is the leading star in the history of Gastronomy. He wrote a single book, a thirty year compilation of sorts, and published it in December 1825, just three months before passing away.
Also called Meditations on Transcendental Gastronomy, it is the bible of all lovers of this art of living.
For his work is all encompassing and gives full authority to the spiritual aspect of Gastronomy. As often said, Gastronomy is a question of matter and spirit, the cuisine and the table.
Hence, it is only justice to celebrate this bicentennial.
Agapes de Bosange - A novel
Anthelme is a well-informed gastronome. He believes in this noble practice and professes to anyone who will listen, without outrageous proselytizing, the reasons why he is convinced that Gastronomy represents the salvation of humanity.
However, social networks have come a long way and an evocation becomes reality, especially when it comes to organizing an ecumenical meal where everyone is asked to eat a little of everything.
And when indignation flares up, it's better to flee than to try to extinguish it, at the risk of fanning its flames.
But running away in the company of a bodyguard more akin to a morality warden also has its drawbacks.
Thus, two individuals who have nothing in common will have to travel together to avoid culinary vindictiveness and the militia of the politically correct hot on their trail.
Their flight becomes a pilgrimage when our hero decides that the only way to counter religions is to form his own, that of Gastronomy, because you can't counter a bulldozer with wind.
From then on, the bodyguard will be assigned the role of apostle, whose job it will be to record this new body of work as they travel the world.
Will this angelic protector play his part in protecting our hero, or will he side with the outraged, trying to protect this affabulator from himself?
Find out in the fabulous adventures of Anthelme Grimoire, a contemporary gastronomer.

Philippe Cartau
After Lug, Aux Sources de Gaules and then Catharsis, two historical novels, Philippe Cartau signs with Les Agapes de Bosange his first contemporary novel. In 2020, he also wrote Superposition, l'Innovation inspirée de Jeanne d'Arc, an essay on innovation juxtaposing the Maid of Orleans with modern start-up entrepreneurs.
An enthusiast of history and technology, Philippe Cartau teaches the history of gastronomy at business schools. In this latest novel, he revisits culinary and gastronomic history over the past 3,000 years, in the style of Brillat-Savarin, with humor, philosophy and légèreté.

A Novel about joyous Gastronomy
Download Chapters
English - Currently Ch. 1 to 2 -
Note : English version translated by Deepl from French and corrected by author.
Agapes de Bosange
To celebrate this Bicentennial
To celebrate the one who inspired us all, we are organizing a webinar May 15th. Make sure to register to receive a link !